Hope Solo: The Slappening

We’ve learned in recent weeks that society has a no tolerance stance when it comes to domestic abuse. Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, and Adrian Peterson have all been taken off the field and/or suspended. It’s clear that we will not condone violence against women and children…unless you’re Hope Solo.


Back in June, Hope Solo was involved in an incident in which she physically assaulted her 17-year-old nephew and her sister. Not only was Solo not disciplined by the National Women’s Soccer League or the U.S. Women’s National Team, but she was named captain of the USWNT following the incident. Seems an interesting choice of character to represent women soccer players in the US. Could you imagine if the NFL had named Ray Rice the Captain of a national US football team following the release of that tape?

“I used this one. Pretty big huh? Yeah she went right down.”

It’s insane. So what’s the difference between the two? Is it because Hope Solo plays soccer? Or is it because she’s a woman? What do you think would happen to Eli Manning if he got drunk and beat up his sister and a 17-year-old girl?


I’ll give you a hint, Eli. You wouldn’t be playing football anymore.

I’m guessing it’s because she’s a woman, but to be fair, we need an MLS player to get arrested for domestic abuse so we can be sure it’s not just because she’s a soccer player. Landon Donovan I’m looking at you. If it is because she’s a woman though, is it because we think women aren’t as strong as men so it’s not a big deal? I’m pretty sure Hope Solo would give me fits in a fight. And, to be honest, after seeing her recent nudie pics, I’d rather stay as far away from her and her situation as possible.


By now we’ve all heard about the fappening. Someone hacked celebrity phones and got all their dirty pictures. Some were great, others surprisingly so. And some just made me a little sad.

Jlaw was sexy as hell in her pics, classy even. Well as classy as you can look posting dirty pictures to the ether. Hope solo, on the other hand, was a severe disappointment. With pictures like this

You can expect there were plenty of guys (and girls) out there doing a little solo with Hope on their mind. But when those pictures leaked, you had to wonder why she even took them. I mean they are not good. I didn’t know a vagina could turn me off. I might be gay now. That shit scarred me. I don’t even really know exactly what’s so bad about it. It just kinda reminds me of the plant from Jumanji.

RIP Robin WIlliams.

But the point is, Solo should not only not be a captain, but she probably shouldn’t be playing at all right now.

And lastly, I just can’t finish this article without a Han Solo reference, so here you go.


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